
How Do I Chromecast From Youtube

YouTube is one of the best platforms for viewing and posting all types of video recordings. If y'all've used YouTube from your smartphone, tablet, or computer, who hasn't, it tin can be an addicting habit. If you've got a Google Chromecast, you can also cast YouTube from 1 of your mobile devices through it.

How To Watch YouTube Videos with Chromecast

In this commodity we'll cover how to watch YouTube videos on your Chromecast.

Watching YouTube Videos on a Chromecast with Your Phone

Given that about users will cast from the YouTube app on their phone, permit's start with that.

Downloading the Apps on Your Mobile Device

Watching YouTube videos on your Chromecast will require you to either download the YouTube app or use the Google Home app on your smartphone.

  • Downloading Google Home on your phone is like shooting fish in a barrel. If you have an Android device, then become to the Google Play Store, search for "Google Home", and download it. If you lot have and iPhone, and so get to the Apple App Store, search for "Google Dwelling house" and install it. Google Home app
  • For the YouTube app, exercise the same. On Android, search for "YouTube" within the Google Play Store, and and so install it. On an iPhone or iPad, search for "YouTube" within the Apple tree App Store, and then install information technology. YouTube app

Casting YouTube to Your Chromecast

Now that the apps are installed, permit's start casting to the Chromecast.

Easy enough right? We idea so. Now we'll tell you how you can cast from your Mac or Windows reckoner to your Chromecast device. Still with united states of america? Proficient.

Watching YouTube Videos on a Chromecast with Your PC

  1. If you don't already have the Google Chrome browser installed on your Mac or PC then become download and install it first.
  2. Now, navigate to YouTube in the Chrome browser window and find a video you'd like to cast from your reckoner. YouTube video
  3. And so, in the upper right-manus side of your Google Chrome browser click on the Google casting icon. Note, yous may have to click on Bill of fare > Cast… if the cast push button isn't on you toolbar. Chrome menu
  4. Adjacent, you'll select your Google Chromecast device from the listing. This begins casting YouTube from your computer to where you lot've got the Chromecast hooked upwardly. Chrome Cast menu

Frequently Asked Questions

Why can't I connect my phone or computer to the Chromecast?

To outset with, brand sure that your phone or computer is on the same 2.four GHz Wi-Fi network as the Chromecast. If they're on different networks, then they won't be able to communicate with each other.

Why is the video so slow to stream?

Although the event of streaming to and from Chromecast and other TV stick devices has improved, it'due south important to remember that they're compact devices with very express memory, storage, and network capabilities. A smaller Wi-Fi antenna means weaker signal strength and less data that tin can be streamed at once.

YouTube on Chromecast

Given that both YouTube and Chromecast are Google products, information technology's incredibly like shooting fish in a barrel to watch any YouTube video you desire on a Chromecast. You lot're now on your way to being a YouTube and Chromecasting expert.  So, we've shown you how to cast from your mobile device or estimator, no matter which platform you use. All you lot need is the Google Habitation app, YouTube app and or the Google Chrome browser and you're ready to coil.


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