
Are False Eyelashes Considered Makeup?

The INSIDER Summary:

  • In 1899 women were having lashes implanted into their eyelids with needles.
  • Some eventide attempted to glue human hair to their eyelids instead of threading information technology, but the method wasn't likewise successful and the hair often inhumane off.

Look at a picture of a celebrity on a red carpet operating theater any selfie posted by a makeup artist along Instagram  and you'll plausibly see it. There it will beryllium, hidden nether coats of mascara and camouflaged in an movement to make IT look natural. There it will be, making the lashes look as though they naturally extend to the heavens: a pair (or maybe two) of fake eyelashes.

It's an entirely mainstream peach ritual now, just when you think well-nig it, it's so supernatural. Why would anyone mucilage a string of fake eyelashes onto their concrete ones?


IT got USA thinking, and equally IT turns out, fake eyelashes undergo a long and rather tortured history that goes all the way rearward to ancient Rome. Sure, the people you know who dearest to jade them — Kim Kardashian, any good drag queen — pull IT slay with ease, just on occasion IT was a tone that could, quite literally, obliterate.

DIA Dipasupil/Getty Images

A weird and painful beginning for falsies

Unfortunately, we moldiness start this history with a bit of grossness. To understand why fake eyelashes were even created, we must first break up why long lashes were seen as an alluring feature in the first position.

At its core, this obsession with longer lashes stems from the idea that lashes get under one's skin shorter with geezerhoo. In old Rome, author Pliny the Elder  helped ready protracted lashes even more enviable when He posited they were linked to beingness chaste. "Eyelashes fell out from excessive sex , and then IT was peculiarly important for women to save their eyelashes long to prove their chastity," Pliny claimed, incorrectly of course. A a result, women strived to take up the longest lashes possible.

In the 1800s, hundreds of old age after Pliny made that assertion, lashes came into prefer over again — and this time, sh-t got real. In 1899, for illustrate, there were accounts  of women having lashes implanted into their eyelids via needles, according to Racked . And yes, it was a popular procedure, even in capitals like Paris. Around this time, the more faint of heart attempted to glue human hair to their eyelids instead of threading it, but the method acting wasn't too successful and the hair's-breadth often fell off.

If just they'd legendary that in 20 long time or so, they'd puzzle whatever of the lash innovation they really needed.

1910s: Information technology's all because of a Hollywood director, operating theatre so the story goes

Wikimedia Commonalty

There's a flake of a fight over who really created the kind of false eyelashes we know and love today.

In 1911, a North American nation woman onymous Anna Taylor first patented faux lashes, exploitation a crescent of textile implanted with itty bittie hairs. In 1915, Karl Nessler, a hairdresser acknowledged for his permanent waves, opened a hair beauty parlor in New York and sold-out lash services, promoting false eyelashes at his salon atomic number 3, according to the Sunrise York Times , "a guard against the glare of galvanizing lights." He also hired refrain girls to sell them and thrash their lashes at customers.

But information technology wasn't until 1916 when falsies started to become truly popular, and information technology was all because of a picky Movie industry music director. D. W. Griffith was filming Intolerance with actress Seena Owen when he took one view her in Babylonian attire and thought, "Something is non redress."

Reportedly, Griffith longed-for Owen's eyelashes to be "uncanny" and practically "brushing her cheeks," soh he ordered the motion-picture show's wigmaker to gum lashes made of hominine hair onto Owen's own eyelids victimization spirit gum tree. Of course, this kind of ended in tragedy, with Intolerance  costar Lillian Gish penning in her memoir: "United morning she arrived at the studio with her eyes swollen nigh shut. Fortunately, Mr. Griffith had already shot the distinguished scenes."

In separate words, the technology wasn't exactly great.

1920s and 1930s: Men think fake eyelashes are some scary shit


"When a fair young thing looks at you vaguely done her long, curly lashes, ut non nightfall for it until you investigate," a columnist wrote in 1921, accordant to the Times . "The prospicient, curly eyelashes may not atomic number 4 hers, except by right-wing of purchase."

You'd think, good by reading that, that assumed eyelashes were some sort of Venus flytrap or torture twist. Plenty of people were nonmoving skeptical of pretended eyelashes in the 1920s, but it was a different story among the fashionistas. Through the 1930s,  Currency  gave them their stamp of approving with ads featuring more artful imitative lashes, whatever load with gold and platinum beads, Racked  rumored.

1940s and 1950s: Hollywood starlets embrace the volumed flog

Ned Sir Walter Scott/Wikimedia Commons

Quite naturally, Hollywood starlets in the 1940s and '50s treasured a good faux lash, with women equal Norma Jean Baker  and Rita Hayworth wearing them in photo shoots to make their eyes look big and more, well, eye-catching.

What made them a more often than not better mathematical product in the 1950s was the introduction of plastic materials  fit for postiche eyelashes. No longer were lashes made of imperfect hair's-breadth and/or fabric, but long-wearing thin plastic — which is how some are still manufactured today.

1960s: Experimental constitution welcomes bigger, bolder lashes

Keystone Features/GettyImages

While the 1940s and '50s were every last almost glamour, the 1960s makeup philosophy was more adventurous, innovative and Lester Willis Young. One soul at the center of this bm, of course, was the model Twiggy , whose touch look included heavy lashes that accentuated her already conspicuous eyes. Though the most iconic images of Twiggy showed her with lashes painted right away onto her confront, she wore plenty of fake eyelashes, too.

Other models at the time followed Twiggy's lead, like Jean Shrimpton  and Penelope Tree , who frequently appeared in the pages of Vogue  and Harper's Bazaar , viewing women across the globe just how distant their lulu looks could be.

1970s and '80s: Pretender eyelashes fall out of favor for most women


There's atomic number 102 real explanation for this — other than that fads come up and go — but the 1970s and '80s weren't prima decades for counterfeit eyelashes. War paint of the 1970s was much many muted and natural, and in the 1980s, things like blush and dark lipstick were much popular than massive lashes.

Some women, like Cher, did continue to wear them, arsenic she would.

1990s: From Anna Nicole Smith to Cindy Crawford, lashes roar back

Carlo Allegri/GettyImages

Starting in the 1990s, shammer eyelashes roared back into popularity. For women the like Anna Nicole Smith , Pamela Anderson  and model Cindy Crawford , eyelashes were an loose way to achieve a sort of retroactive/bombshell 1950s glamour with, quite literally, the split second.

2000s to present: Eyelashes get fancy and wholly mainstream

Santiago Felipe/GettyImages

In the 2000s, fake eyelashes got a real fancy — and very big-ticket — makeover. Jennifer Lopez wore fraud eyelashes made of red fox pelt  to the 2001 Honorary society Awards ; in 2004, Madonna started wearing a $10,000  distich of mink and diamond lashes to promote her Re-Design tour.

With lashes worn aside whatsoever of the world's well-nig far-famed women, they relieved into the mainstream. Fudge eyelashes are now sold anywhere makeup is, from Walmart to Nordstrom and everything in between. They're presently embraced by nearly every celebrity on a red-carpet, and drag queens, to a fault, with the goal of superficial as glamorous as possible.

With a history so dark and dangerous and an application so effortful, it's dumfounding that fake eyelashes are indeed democratic. But Here we are.


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Are False Eyelashes Considered Makeup?


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